Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dog care - Vaccinate your Saint Bernard

Vaccinate your Saint Bernard and follow up with yearly booster vaccinations to maintain the dog's immunity to diseases. Worm your adult dog every three months, and consult your veterinarian about defleaing products.

Saint Bernard - Dog Lover

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dog care - Remember that Saint Bernard does not like to be alone

The secret to success with the Saint Bernard, as with any large dog, is early training. Teach it to obey as a puppy, and its large size will be quite manageable when it matures. Remember that the Saint Bernard is a family dog and does not like to be alone.

Saint Bernard - Dog Lover

Monday, October 19, 2009

Selection guide - Plan to spend a lot of money on food

Plan to spend a lot of money on food. A Saint Bernard eats 6 to 12 cups of food a day.

Saint Bernard - Dog Lover

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Selection guide - Be aware that Saint Bernards are only truly happy when they are with the family

Be aware that Saint Bernards are only truly happy when they are with the family. If you plan to keep yours outside, this may not be the dog for you.

Saint Bernard - Dog Lover

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Selection guide - Note that a Saint Bernard will reach an impressive size

Note that a Saint Bernard will reach an impressive size. Males grow to heights of 27 inches and weigh between 110 and 180 pounds. Females will reach heights of at least 25 inches and will also weigh between 110 and 180 pounds.

Saint Bernard - Dog Lover

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Selection guide - Look at potential breeders very carefully

Look at potential breeders very carefully, being sure to ask whether they are members of breed clubs, specialty clubs or obedience clubs. Affiliation through a club means you can check their references to make sure they are not a puppy mill (a place where puppies are constantly bred for financial gain without consideration of the integrity of the breed).

Saint Bernard - Dog Lover

Friday, October 9, 2009

Selection guide - Understand the health problems that a Saint Bernard is prone to

Understand the health problems that a Saint Bernard is prone to. These include wobbler syndrome (a spinal disorder), heart and skin problems, hip dysplasia (a malformed ball and socket in the hip joint) and extropion (folding eyelid). Talk to a breeder to find out what type of screening they have done for these health problems.

Saint Bernard - Dog Lover

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Selection guide - Check out a Saint Bernard's features before you get one

Check out a Saint Bernard's features before you get one. There are two varieties: longhaired and shorthaired. Their coats are white with either tan, red, mahogany, brindle (gray or tawny with darker streaks or spots) or black markings on it. Overall, the Saint Bernard should appear large and muscular with a bright and friendly expression.

Saint Bernard - Dog Lover

Monday, October 5, 2009

Selection guide - Realize that despite the Saint Bernard's size

Realize that despite the Saint Bernard's size, it is well-behaved indoors and not overly active. It does well in apartments, as long as it gets plenty of exercise.

Saint Bernard - Dog Lover

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Selection guide - Saint Bernard is a family dog

Remember that a Saint Bernard is a family dog and very playful, loving and watchful with children. However, should you decide to get one, it must be supervised with children so that it doesn't knock them over.

Saint Bernard - Dog Lover

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Selection guide - Choose a Saint Bernard if you are looking for the granddaddy of watchdogs

Choose a Saint Bernard if you are looking for the granddaddy of watchdogs. Its size alone makes it a formidable presence to strangers.

Saint Bernard - Dog Lover